Now that we've introduced our amazing in-house team here at Soda Inc. we thought it was time to introduce our awesome Board members. This one's all about John Wilkinson. John Wilkinson, ASB Commercial Manager - Waikato Branch, has been a Soda Director since 2017 and before that he was a part of our 'dragons den' panel since 2011.
In this Q&A style profile find out why he relates to a cold blooded animal, what colour he would be if he were a crayon and much more.
Who inspires you?
My family inspires me everyday, my wife, children and grandchildren and my wider family are what is really important to me.
What’s the best concert you ever attended?
This is a tough one as I’ve been to many very good ones but the best would definitely have to be Andrea Bocelli at Piazza Castello at Marostica near Venice for sheer brilliance of location and performance.
If you could be any animal, which would you be and why?
A Chameleon, not because they are cold blooded, but because they have the ability to quickly adapt to the environment around them.
What’s your favourite business book/podcast?
An oldie, but still a goodie my favourite business book would have to be Good to Great by Jim Collins.
A podcast I enjoy is Business is Boring which is a weekly podcast series presented by Simon Pound who speaks with innovators and commentators focused on the future of New Zealand.
What are you passionate about?
I’m absolutely passionate about helping people achieve their potential, whether it be clients and colleagues I work with, my family, or individuals and organisations that I mentor.
What’s your favourite movie?
Fight Club is my favourite, but I’m also a big fan of the Guy Ritchie movie Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels.
What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done?
What is crazy anyway - people thought I was crazy getting married at 21, but that turned out to be a pretty good “crazy”.
What are you currently watching on Netflix?
The Kominsky Method starring Michael Douglas and Alan Arkin. Great dialogue delivered brilliantly by a two veteran actors.
If you could visit anywhere in the world you’ve never been before, where would it be?
My wife, Ellie, and I have quite a few places on our bucket list but the top would have to be New York.
Which four people, living or dead, would you most like to eat dinner with? What kind of dinner party would it be?
It would have be an Italian feast, with lots of red wine, with:
- Jeremy Coney, for his cricket stories
- Barack Obama , so I can find what it was like to be President
- The Queen, because I’ve been watching the Crown and I want to find out what she’s really like, and...
- My Mum, who died in 2014, as I’ve got lots of questions I’d like to ask her and she’d be good company for the Queen
If you were a crayon, what colour would you be?
Mmm, colours are not my strong suit but I’d have to pick blue. It's supposed to mean that I’m calm, cool, and able to keep things on an even keel more than most, which I think describes me pretty well.